National Newspaper Week 2023

Oct. 1-7, 2023 “A free press is the guardian of democracy. In whatever form, it must be preserved.” – Charlotte Tillar Schexnayder (1923-2020), member of the Arkansas House of Representatives and publisher and editor of the Dumas Clarion, Dumas, AR 2023 marks the 83rd celebration of National Newspaper Week. Since 1940, Newspaper Association Managers has sponsored and supported National […]

May Bulletin

May Bulletin For most everybody, life has been an anxious grind these last couple of months. Our member newspapers and their dedicated staffs have risen spectacularly to the occasion by reliably keeping their communities well-informed about the COVID-19 pandemic, despite enormous challenges. I shudder at thought of going through this kind of crisis without the […]

April Bulletin

April Bulletin Just three weeks ago, I don’t think any of us could have possibly imagined the circumstances that confront us today: stuck at home, the economy strangled, worried about basic survival. We have all been tested, and we have some hard miles to go. A friend of mine who runs an emergency room at […]

MNAS launches statewide quarter-page advertising program

MNAS launches statewide quarter-page advertising program The Montana Newspaper Advertising Service will expand its advertising offerings to include a new statewide network offering quarter-page display opportunities.  This new program will provide advertisers with an opportunity to get broad, statewide reach with a larger display size at a very reasonable cost. Called SQD (squid), the quarter-page […]

March Bulletin

March Bulletin The Montana Newspaper Advertising Service is excited this month to announce the launch of an ambitious new statewide, quarter-page display advertising program. Called SQD (squid), the quarter-page ad will complement the SDAP, SCAN and SOAP programs and help sustain the Montana Newspaper Association as the news publishing industry evolves. Like the SDAP, SCAN […]

MNA January Bulletin

January Bulletin Happy New Year to all the members and supporters of the Montana Newspaper Association! Our January eBulletin brings news of the revival of the Bigfork Eagle after a four-year hiatus, the awarding of 2020 internship grants, and the official opening of the 2020 MNA Better Newspaper Contest. We’re also excited to announce that […]

Montana Newspaper Foundation awards 2020 internship grants

Montana Newspaper Foundation awards 2020 internship grants Internships offer great opportunities for students with a passion for the newspaper industry and our Montana Newspaper Association professional members. Students gain relevant firsthand experience and use their internship experience to secure good jobs and our MNA members build relationships that may lead to job candidates. The Montana Newspaper […]