MNF Journalism Scholarship

The Montana Newspaper Foundation will offer a $1,000 scholarship for students entering into journalism related fields.

Deadline to apply is March. 31, 2025!

Eligible applicants must be residents of Montana who are graduating from an accredited high school in the spring of 2025. They must plan to enroll in a journalism (print, broadcast, multimedia) or journalism-related field of study at an accredited college, university or vocational-technical school. Journalism-related fields would include, but are not limited to, graphic design, photography/visual arts, sales/marketing, business administration, English, communications, and public relations. Preference will be given to applicants who plan to attend Montana post-secondary institutions.

This $1,000 scholarship will be paid directly to the successful applicant’s post-secondary institution.

2025 MNF Journalism Scholarship Application Form

    Return completed application to: 

    MNF Treasurer Jim Strauss
    P.O. Box 727
    Missoula, MT 59806

    Email: [email protected]

    Office: 406-443-2850 ext. 103

    Cell: 406-531-9543