Eligible applicants must be residents of Montana who are graduating from an accredited high school in the spring of 2025. They must plan to enroll in a journalism (print, broadcast, multimedia) or journalism-related field of study at an accredited college, university or vocational-technical school. Journalism-related fields would include, but are not limited to, graphic design, photography/visual arts, sales/marketing, business administration, English, communications, and public relations. Preference will be given to applicants who plan to attend Montana post-secondary institutions.
This $1,000 scholarship will be paid directly to the successful applicant’s post-secondary institution.
MNF Treasurer Jim Strauss
P.O. Box 727
Missoula, MT 59806
Email: [email protected]
Office: 406-443-2850 ext. 103
Cell: 406-531-9543
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